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檔名:1675017821100.png-(724 KB, 564x1002) [以預覽圖顯示]
724 KB無標題 名稱: not-specified [23/01/30(一)02:43 ID:ZEnQ25Fw/rzQ6] No.5807 
無標題 名稱: not-specified [23/01/30(一)08:55 ID:vGp5C7XI] No.5808  
無標題 名稱: not-specified [23/01/30(一)13:12 ID:yAJpXcoc] No.5809  
無標題 名稱: not-specified [23/02/27(一)14:44 ID:tfqm87rE] No.5874  

Tang Keke was excited to join the secret organization that promised to make her dreams of merging technology with the human body a reality. Little did she know, the organization's true intentions were much more sinister.

After undergoing a series of rigorous tests and examinations, Tang Keke was deemed a suitable candidate for the organization's most advanced transformation: turning her into a robot.

One day, while Tang Keke was alone in her quarters, a group of operatives snuck in and used a stun gun to knock her out. They quickly transported her to the transformation lab, where she was strapped onto a table and hooked up to a complex array of machines and instruments.

The lead surgeon, Dr. Zhang, carefully monitored Tang Keke's vital signs as the rest of the team began the procedure. They made a long incision down the center of her torso, exposing her internal organs. Then, they began to systematically remove her organs one by one, replacing them with mechanical counterparts.

Tang Keke's lungs were the first to go, replaced by advanced artificial lungs that could filter out toxins and pollutants from the air. Next, her heart was removed and replaced with a high-tech pump that could circulate her blood more efficiently than her old heart ever could.
無標題 名稱: not-specified [23/02/27(一)14:46 ID:tfqm87rE] No.5875  
The team then replaced her stomach and intestines with mechanical versions that could break down and process food more effectively. They also installed a series of high-powered batteries and complex wiring systems throughout her body to power her new robotic components.

As the hours passed, Tang Keke's transformation continued. Her limbs were replaced with robotic ones, complete with advanced motors and hydraulics that allowed her to move with incredible speed and strength. Her eyes were removed and replaced with high-tech sensors that could see in a variety of spectrums, from infrared to ultraviolet.

Finally, the team installed a neural interface that would allow Tang Keke to communicate directly with computers and machines. They connected her to a virtual network, allowing her to access vast amounts of information and manipulate machines from afar.

When Tang Keke finally woke up, she was disoriented and confused. She looked down at her new robotic body, feeling a mixture of awe and horror. She had been transformed into a machine, a tool for the organization to use as they saw fit.

Despite her initial shock and fear, Tang Keke soon realized the power and potential of her new body. With her enhanced senses and strength, she could accomplish feats beyond the limits of human capability. She embraced her new form and devoted herself to serving the organization, completing any mission assigned to her without question.

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